Furnaces are essential for providing a comfortable home, but they need regular maintenance and occasional repair to function properly. Performing small tasks like replacing filters and cleaning components in a timely manner can help prevent costly repairs or even prevent the need for a furnace replacement altogether.

Many homeowners have a tendency https://www.eheatcool.com/services/heating/furnaces/furnace-repair/ to try and fix any problem they notice on their own, but some furnace issues are best left to the experts. This is particularly true for problems that involve electrical issues or safety concerns. A professional HVAC technician can perform a complete examination of your system and diagnose any problems you may have with it. They can then offer expert repairs and even help you to extend the life of your unit.

One of the most common problems with a furnace is the ignition system. It can be difficult to get the system to start up if it is not properly functioning, so it’s important to address any ignition issues as soon as possible. There are several things that can cause this, including a bad control board, poor wiring, a damaged high-voltage wire blocking transmission of signals, or the thermostat simply becoming old and outdated.

A faulty thermostat can also interfere with the functioning of your furnace, making it difficult to heat your home effectively. A programmable thermostat can send the wrong messages to your furnace, and these messages can be interpreted incorrectly by the machine, leading to malfunctions. In some cases, a simple reset of the thermostat can fix the issue. In other cases, a replacement or repair of the thermostat is required.

Another common problem is a faulty high limit switch or flame sensor. These sensors are responsible for detecting the presence of a pilot flame, and they will automatically shut off your system if they detect no such flame. The problem is that these sensors can become clogged with soot, dirt, and debris over time. This hampers their ability to function correctly, leading to them shutting down the furnace at inappropriate times.

Other issues with a furnace that require professional attention include a faulty gas valve or gas pipe, and a cracked heat exchanger. If you notice any changes in the temperature of varying rooms of your home, or if you smell natural gas, shut off the power to your furnace and open doors and windows for ventilation, then contact your local utility company. They can provide a safe and effective gas evacuation process while your furnace is repaired. If your furnace is beyond repair, an experienced HVAC technician can help you find a new unit that fits your needs and budget. They can also advise you on how to make the most of any warranty coverage that your unit may have, which can significantly reduce your upfront expenses. They can also help you to maximize energy efficiency by installing new ductwork that will distribute warm air evenly throughout your house. This is particularly important if you have older ductwork that is leaking or inefficient.